
Introducing Station Finder

A Cloudflare hosted single page application.

James Montgomery

4 minute read

After migrating my blog to Cloudflare Pages, I wanted to run an application exclusively using Cloudflare products. Inspiration struck on a journey where I was low on fuel in the car.

API Diversions

Experimenting with a new API via Cloudflare workers.

James Montgomery

5 minute read

Recently reinvigorated with my new UI work, I set myself to task with simplifying the front end player code. No matter how I looked at it, I’d needed to rewrite the back end API to support a front end rewrite. But what if I didn’t precisely need to do that? Enter stage left, Cloudflare Workers.

Backup of Cloudflare DNS to AWS DynamoDB

Using AWS Lambda to copy records into DynamoDB via the Libcloud library

James Montgomery

5 minute read

After a short break, I decided to take an item off the project list. DNS is a rich source of inspiration for me - and so I elected for a quick win in the form of serverless DNS records backup. The goal of which is to backup my DNS zone contents, via functions as a service (FaaS) and storage as a service (object or database).

Detecting Digits with PowerShell

A person can look at a number and determine which digits are present. How would a script achieve this?

James Montgomery

13 minute read

Have you ever wondered, how many unique digits are in a number? Alternatively, how many times does a given digit appear in a number? Using PowerShell, I explore these questions in a variety of means and examples.